Beyond S’mores: Meals Our Community Loves to Make While Camping

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There’s a reason the s’more is synonymous with camping. Requiring just fire, sticks, and three store-bought ingredients, s’mores epitomize what campfire cooking is all about: making the most out of a limited amount of food and a dearth of cooking equipment. A staple of camping for nearly 100 years now—its lineage can be traced back to a 1927 Girl Scouts guidebook—they’re also a nostalgic symbol of all that is wonderful about sitting around a sparking campfire, smoke spiraling up to the stars. Can you even call it camping without making a s’more?

According to our community, that would be a hard no. When we polled you on our Hotline and on Instagram for your favorite camping meal, the s’more was your most common response. (Never mind that it’s actually a dessert.)



View posts by Spice-Rack-Maker
Dave the spice rack maker. Lived and worked in central MN for 50 years, Enjoy the lakes and woods surrounding the spice rack makers wood shop.
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