What a Few Magic Words on Your Egg Carton Mean for Your Omelets

This post was originally published on this site

Picture it: you’re standing in the dairy aisle at the grocery store, about to grab a dozen eggs. It should be an easy item to check off your list—but you’re quickly overwhelmed by what feels like a million options. Suddenly, it seems like you’re taking a test you didn’t study for instead of picking up a weekly staple.

I’ve certainly been there. If you know me, you know I love eggs, and eat them whenever the opportunity arises (aka almost every day, sometimes more than once). I want my eggs to taste great, and I care that they were humanely raised. But even with love and good intentions, I don’t actually know which labels mean that I’m getting what I want. So I decided to find out.



View posts by Spice-Rack-Maker
Dave the spice rack maker. Lived and worked in central MN for 50 years, Enjoy the lakes and woods surrounding the spice rack makers wood shop.
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