How to Fight Pre-Party Stress, And More Hosting Advice From Our Editor

This post was originally published on this site

Welcome to the latest edition of Come On Over, Food52 editorial director Julie Vadnal’s newsletter that’s all about hosting gatherings big and small—without losing your cool. Got company? Sign up here for her emails.

When I first starting having people over in my 20s, my biggest fear was always: Will there be enough food? As a result, I’d make so many dishes that I wouldn’t have time to shower, and guests would arrive to a home filled with entirely too many appetizers—and a frazzled, cranky host. Since then, I’ve learned that, as the person hosting, you set the tone. The better prepared you are, the more relaxed everyone will be, including yourself.



View posts by Spice-Rack-Maker
Dave the spice rack maker. Lived and worked in central MN for 50 years, Enjoy the lakes and woods surrounding the spice rack makers wood shop.
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