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An English Muffin is a round, fairly flat, yeast leavened bread, that is cooked on a griddle. The outside crust of the muffin is golden brown, while inside it is soft and spongy. When splitting the muffin in half, don’t use a knife. Use either a fork or your fingers, so the interior will stay wonderfully soft and spongy with all those nooks and crannies to hold the butter and jam. English Muffins can be used to make a Breakfast Sandwich. First toast and butter the two halves of the English Muffin. Then sandwich the two halves together with a slice of cheese, a fried egg, some Canadian Bacon, and maybe some lettuce and tomato. Delicious.
When I set out to find a recipe, I wanted something fast and easy. After all, they are a muffin, and to me, muffins are supposed to be easy to make. I found the recipe I was looking for on the excellent blog I did tweak the recipe a little, but basically all you do is stir the ingredients together, let the dough rise at room temperature for about one hour, and then cook on a griddle until golden brown on each side. Unlike most bread doughs, this dough is very soft so you will need metal rings (3 or 4 inch (7.5 or 10 cm)) when cooking the muffins so they will keep their shape. You can use actual ‘English Muffin Rings’ or I just use metal tart rings.
A note. You can use either SAF Red instant yeast or an equal amount of active dry yeast. If using active dry yeast you will have to activate it first in the lukewarm milk until foamy before adding it to the flour.
Click here for the video and recipe.
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Article and Demonstration by Stephanie Jaworski
Photo and Videography by Rick Jaworski
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