Carrot Sheet Cake Video Recipe –

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Carrot Cake is a deliciously rich and moist Spice Cake that is full of grated carrot, chopped nuts, dried coconut, and crushed pineapple. I like to frost it with a tangy and sweet Cream Cheese Frosting. The interesting part is that while those pretty orange flecks of grated carrot give the Carrot Cake color and texture, along with sweetness and moisture, its flavor is almost indistinguishable.

This Carrot Cake recipe is different than the other Carrot Cake recipe on the site, in that it contains buttermilk, uses a little less oil, and includes crushed pineapple and dried coconut. This recipe is from the San Francisco Baking Institute (SFBI). It was one of the cakes we made during a Five Day Cake Class. However, I did modify the recipe for the home kitchen.

The time consuming part of making a Carrot Cake is getting all the ingredients together. First, the carrots need to be washed, peeled, and grated. You can use a box grater to shred the carrots or your food processor, if it has a shredding disc. For the chopped nuts, you can use either walnuts or pecans. For the dried coconut, I like to use unsweetened, either shredded or flaked. But you could use dried sweetened coconut. Crushed pineapple is added for both flavor and moisture and I do like to drain the pineapple before adding it to the batter. Applesauce could be used instead of crushed pineapple. And while you can buy commerical buttermilk, you can also make a good substitute. Stir 3/4 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar into 3/4 cup (180 ml) milk. Let stand for about 10 minutes at room temperature before using.

Lastly, you could use this recipe to make a two layer cake. Bake in 2 – 8 inch (20 cm) round cake pans that have been buttered and lined with parchment paper. Bake in a 350 F (180 C) oven for about 35 minutes.

Click here for the video and recipe.

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Article and Demonstration by Stephanie Jaworski

Photo and Videography by Rick Jaworski

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Dave the spice rack maker. Lived and worked in central MN for 50 years, Enjoy the lakes and woods surrounding the spice rack makers wood shop.
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